Thursday, August 27, 2009

Twins & Charm Bracelets...oh my!

This last weekend I visited a whole bunch of my favorite people in San Diego; the Zimlich clan...(and yes Veronica, I really am a part of the family! They told me so when I was in the family Christmas photo at Nana's a few years back ;-P )...
Anyhoo, my good friend, Rhonda, her hubby, Dave, and their 4 year old twins, Veronica and Gabriella, were visiting the rest of the "National Lampoon's extended family" for the girls' 4th birthday last week. So, I headed to San Diego with 2 very special gifts on hand...special charm bracelets for little wrists!
Veronica's bracelet:
They are actually Scrabble and Travel Scrabble tiles! Perfect for initials!
I'm thinking that I'll do custom orders on Etsy! These were a hit!

A twins moment...Here they are in onesies I made them when they were tiny (oh wait...they weren't tiny at 8 pounds each when born!), but were still adorable as hell!
And here they are now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lady. Just came across your blog. You are amazing and I am so glad you are in the family (still... the girls are 7.5 now). Hope to see you soon! Love you SO much! And by the way, you are one of the most creative people I know.
